How to Get a Residence Permit in a Foreign Country

How to Get a Residence Permit in a Foreign Country

Who is Eligible for a Residence Permit?

Before you apply for a residence permit, it's essential to know if you're eligible as different factors determine eligibility. This article will also help you discover all about residence permits, the criteria for eligibility, and how to go about it. This way, you can save your time for more important things. 

Getting a residence permit in a foreign country comes with loads of benefits and some stressful moments. However, you could scale through the stress by consulting professionals like Garant Immigration. With that said, let’s get started!

What is a Residence Permit?

As a foreigner, if you're planning on staying in a new country for a long time, then you must get a residence permit. It is a document that enables you to live in a foreign country for a long period. 

A permit allows you to enjoy citizenship rights as a legal resident of your new country. You may not need a residence permit when staying in a country for three months or less, however.

Benefits of a Residence Permit

A residence permit is quite advantageous. For one, it qualifies you the legal right to live in that country. Below are other perks you'll enjoy with a resident permit:

  • Access to vocational training and education
  • Access to premium healthcare system
  • Opportunity to open a bank account in that country and also request loans
  • Access to social protection and assistance
  • Ability to run your business freely and participate in social activities.

How to Obtain a Residence Permit

Immigration authorities handle residence permit applications differently. Therefore, you should acquaint yourself with the rules and requirements of the country you're moving to.

For instance, if you're moving to France or any of the European countries, you'll need to meet the following requirements:

  • You must have a place where you reside
  • You must be able to speak the national language fluently, especially if you're below the age of 65
  • You must abide by the rules of the country
  • You must have evidence that you're capable of supporting yourself (and your dependants) financially 
  • You must understand the social and legal system of the country
  • If you're married to a citizen, then you must have lived in the country for three years, otherwise, you must have lived for five years in the country.

Documents Required for a Residence Permit

One of the easiest ways to get your residence permit approved is by ensuring that your documents are well-arranged and readily available. While there are variations, depending on the country, there are some common documents you should have. 

Leaving out one or more of these documents may spell automatic denial. Therefore, before you apply for your permit, ensure you have the following documents ready:

  • About three passport photographs in the right sizes
  • An international passport
  • Proof that you've lived in the country for five years, or three years if you're married to a citizen
  • Health insurance
  • Proof of income
  • Proof of accommodation

Process of Applying for a Residence Permit

Once your documents are ready, applying for a permit will be easier. As usual, the country you're moving to would determine the steps of getting a permit, however, below are some common steps.

Apply for Visa

The first step in obtaining a residence permit is getting a visa. You must have the right visa to have access to a permit. For instance, if you're going to a new country as an investor or a researcher, then you'll need a talent visa. Therefore, consult experts to know the right type of visa you need.

Send the Required Documents to the Right Authorities

Once your documents are complete, you need to submit them to the right authorities. While you may be allowed to submit through the post in some countries, you'll have to appear in person to submit in other countries.

Provide Your Biometric Information

Once your documents get to the authorities, you'll be invited to provide your biometric information. You may be able to do this the same day you submit your documents in some countries.

Pay the Fees

The residence permit is not free. However, the fee varies depending on the country you're applying for. Therefore, ensure you confirm the fee from the authorities of the country before you start applying.

Await the Processing of your Application

The immigration authorities will process your application and send you a notification of their decision. If you qualify for the permit, you'll be invited to get it. In some countries, it may be sent to you. 


Since the residence permit is temporary, it has an expiry date and you'll have to renew it for continued residency.

Who is Eligible for a Residence Permit?

The criteria for being eligible for a residence permit differs for every country, therefore, it's essential to DYOR and ensure you meet the criteria. For example, if you're applying for a residence permit in UAE, the following are the criteria for eligibility:

  • You must work with a private company or under the UAE government.
  • Your educational institution must be in the UAE
  • You have properties and investments in the UAE
  • You must retire in the UAE

Countries That Require Foreigners to Get a Residence Permit

Although a residence permit is essential to live as a foreigner in most countries, not all countries require their foreigners to have it. For example, if you're an Irish citizen, you don't need a residence permit to live in the UK. You also don't need a permit to move from one EU country to another.

However, if you're planning on moving to any of the countries below, then you need a residence permit:

  • USA
  • Ukraine
  • France
  • Italy
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Georgia
  • Singapore
  • Germany


Getting a residence permit in any country can be challenging if you don't know the ropes. However, if you study the above guide, consult experts, and you DYOR, you'll realize that it's not as difficult as it seems.
